1. Definitions
1.1. AUSZ /AUSZ Global means AUSZ Global Pty Ltd (ABN 22 638 227 684).
1.2. AUSZ Global App/AG Driver App means an application created by AUSZ Global Pty Ltd to provide a platform to the Driver to receive and accept requests for Chauffeur Service.
1.3. AUSZ Global Fees means the fees payable by the Driver to AUSZ Global under clause 7.
1.4. Chauffeur Service means the Chauffeur Service as defined in clause 3.1.
1.5. Client means a person who uses the AUSZ Global App or Website to request Chauffeur Service.
1.6. Confidential Information means all information regarding the business interests, property, operations or affairs of AUSZ Global or a related body corporate of AUSZ Global or of any person or entity with which AUSZ Global may deal or be concerned and includes, without limitation:
1.6.1 client, supplier and distributor lists and information, including any personal information contained within these lists;
1.6.2 the terms of any contract, agreement or business arrangement with any third party;
1.6.3 trade secrets, production information, licences, know-how, technical design or specifications, calculations, manufacture or production methods or technology, Intellectual Property, discoveries, research, techniques, formulae and processes developed or used (whether protected by patents or not) and related information;
1.6.4 costing and selling price information including pricing, credit policies, credit procedures, payment policies, payment procedures and systems;
1.6.5 plant, machinery, apparatus, computer systems, software programs including any designs, computer upgrades, improvements and modifications developed or owned by AUSZ Global;
1.6.6 third party information disclosed in confidence;
1.6.7 the terms of this Terms and Conditions;
1.6.8 any other information considered by AUSZ Global to be confidential, which is not in the public domain (unless in the public domain due to a breach of confidentiality by any person).
1.7. Default Base Fare means the Fare Schedule under this Terms and Conditions.
1.8. Design means any design within the meaning of the Designs Act 1906 (Cth) as varied from time to time or under the copyright and/or trade secret laws and international treaty provisions.
1.9. Fare means the Fare defined as in clause 6.
1.10. GST means GST within the meaning of the GST Act.
1.11. GST Act means the goods and services tax system which is Australian law under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) and associated legislation or any amendment or replacement of that Act or legislation from time to time.
1.12. Intellectual Property means Works, Designs, Patents, Trademarks and the Confidential Information.
1.13. Patents means patents, patent applications, patented processes and patented products within the meaning of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) as varied from time to time or under the copyright and/or trade secret laws and international treaty provisions.
1.14. Privacy Policy means the Privacy Policy sets out on the Website (as may be varied from time to time).
1.15. Terms & Conditions and Policies means this agreement.
1.16. Website means AUSZ Global’s website, being http://www.auszglobal.com.au and any of its subpages, driver’s portals and any webpages as may be varied from time to time by AUSZ Global.
1.17. Works means all programs, programming, literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work within the meaning of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or under other copyright and/or trade secret laws and international treaty provisions.
2. Interpretations
2.1. In this agreement unless the contrary intention appears:
2.1.1 an obligation or a liability assumed by, or a right conferred on, two or more parties binds or benefits all of them jointly and each of them severally;
2.1.2 the expression person includes an individual, the estate of an individual, a corporation, an authority, an association or a joint venture (whether incorporated or unincorporated), a partnership and a trust;
2.1.3 a reference to any party includes that party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns, including any person taking by way of novation and, in the case of the trustee, includes any substituted or additional trustee;
2.1.4 a reference to any document (including this agreement) is to that document as varied, novated, ratified or replaced from time to time;
2.1.5 a reference to any statute or to any statutory provision includes any statutory modification or re-enactment of it or any statutory provision substituted for it, and all ordinances, by-laws, regulations, rules and statutory instruments (however described) issued under it;
2.1.6 words importing the singular include the plural (and vice versa);
2.1.7 words importing a gender include every other gender;
2.1.8 references to parties, clauses, schedules, exhibits or annexures are references to Parties, clauses, schedules, exhibits and annexures to or of this agreement, and a reference to this agreement includes any schedule, exhibit or annexure to this agreement;
2.1.9 where a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
2.1.10 the word 'includes' in any form is not a word of limitation; and
2.1.11 a reference to $ or dollar is to Australian currency.
3. Chauffeur Service
3.1. AUSZ Global App/AG Driver App is a digital technology-based platform that allows the Driver to receive requests from the Client to use the passenger transportation provided by the Driver. The transportation services provided by the Driver to the Client that are matched by way of the AUSZ Global App shall be referred to as the Chauffeur Service.
3.2. For the avoidance of doubt, AUSZ Global does not provide any Chauffeur Service and the relationship between the Driver, Client and AUSZ Global is defined in clause 11.
3.3. By providing the Chauffeur Service, the Driver acknowledges and agrees that:
3.3.1 AUSZ Global App/AG Driver App is a platform that arranges and schedules the Client to the Driver, AUSZ Global does not guarantee to the Driver the number of requests to use the Chauffeur Service by the Client.
3.3.2 the Driver provides the Chauffeur Service independently and use AUSZ Global App to find work, as part of its business on its own account; and
3.3.3 each Chauffeur Service provides by the Driver shall constitute a separate agreement between the Driver and the Client (Service Agreement), with such agreement becoming effective on and from the time when the Driver accepts the request through the AUSZ Global App to provide Chauffeur Service to the Client.
3.3.4 AUSZ Global provides a platform to allow the Driver and Client to make such Service Agreement in an efficient and timely manner.
Service Agreement
3.4. Under the Service Agreement, the Driver acknowledges and agrees that it provides the Chauffeur Service in accordance with the following terms and conditions (but not limited to):
3.4.1 the Driver enters into a Service Agreement with the Client to provide the Chauffeur Service;
3.4.2 the Driver is fully liable for any violation of any relevant laws and regulations applicable in the state in which the Driver is providing the Chauffeur Service;
3.4.3 the Driver warrants that it has all valid licences, permits, insurance, liability insurance or any other documents required by any relevant laws and regulations to provide the Chauffeur Service in the state in which the Driver is providing the Chauffeur Service;
3.4.4 the Driver must comply with all traffic laws and regulations at all times (including but not limited to provide child restraints or child booster seat for the Client or other passenger (such as but not limited to co-passenger) (if applicable));
3.4.5 the Driver must provide the Chauffeur Service in a proper manner as reasonable driver would in the circumstances similar to the Driver such as but not limited to: following the route guidance provided by the AUSZ Global App, unless the Client direct the Driver otherwise; the Driver must not make any unauthorised stops; and the Driver must ensure that there is no other person in the vehicle other than the Client who engages the Driver to provide the Chauffeur Service unless such person is present with the Client’s consent.
3.4.6 the Driver will provide and maintain all equipment and tools to provide the Chauffeur Service at its own expenses. The equipment and tools include (but not limited to), vehicle, mobile device, data plan, petrol, vehicle service fees, insurance, relevant taxes etc.
3.4.7 the Driver is entitled to charge a Fare payable by the Client for providing each Chauffeur Service which the Driver has accepted through the AUSZ Global App.
3.4.8 the Driver is obliged to pay any tax in relation to the provision of the Chauffeur Service, including but not limited to: complying with all tax registration obligation; maintaining a valid registration for GST; paying income tax or any other taxes; and remitting all tax liabilities.
3.4.9 the Driver must immediately provide all information under clause 3.4.8 upon demand by AUSZ Global.
3.4.10 AUSZ Global may at its sole and absolute discretion collect and remit taxes to the tax authority on behalf of the Driver under the relevant law as a result of its provision of the Chauffeur Service to the Client. For the avoidance of doubt, AUSZ Global is not obliged or responsible for any PAYG withholding, superannuation, employee entitlement or remittance of any tax obligation on behalf of the Driver.
3.4.11 the Driver must be registered for GST in accordance with the GST law. If the Driver fails to register for GST or its registration is or may be or is subject to invalid or subject to any changes, it must immediately notify AUSZ Global.
3.4.12 Pursuant to clause 3.4.11, the Driver warrants and represents that it: is carrying on an enterprise for GST purposes under the GST Act; has a valid ABN (Australian Business Number) and is registered for GST; has provided a valid and correct ABN of the Driver to AUSZ Global; and will continue to ensure that its ABN and the registration for GST is valid.
3.4.13 the Driver will indemnify and keep indemnified AUSZ Global against any claims, loss or damages that may be suffered or incurred by AUSZ Global as a result (whether directly or indirectly) of the Driver’s failure to comply with clause 3.4.
4. Account Registrations
4.1. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that if the Driver intends to provide Chauffeur Service to the Client or use the AUSZ Global App, it must first register an account with AUSZ Global and upload all necessary and required documents on the Website prior to using the AUSZ Global App.
4.2. The Driver warrants and represents that
4.2.1 it has full and legal capacity to enter into an agreement with AUSZ Global to use the AUSZ Global App under any relevant laws and regulations; and
4.2.2 all the information provided are true and correct.
Registration Process
4.3. As part of the registration process, the Driver acknowledges and agrees to provide to AUSZ Global all its personal information and the following items (but not limited to) to complete the registration process:
4.3.1 the Driver’s current and valid passport;
4.3.2 the Driver’s valid Australian Driver Licence, being a valid, unrestricted licence and the photograph of the Driver must be clear and legible;
4.3.3 the Driver’s vehicle registration certificate;
4.3.4 the Driver’s vehicle current valid insurance certificate (also known as the certificate of currency), which must provide the following details: evidence that the vehicle must be insured for a third-party property insurance or a comprehensive insurance with a minimum amount of $2 million ($5 million in NSW) [as varied from time to time]; evidence that the insurance must extend to provide for rideshare services; the Driver must be the policyholder or a named insured driver; and an expiry date is shown on the insurance certificate.
4.3.5 the Driver’s National Police Check Report no later than 30 days of the registration date conducted by an accredited agent approved by the Australian Criminal Intelligent Commission; and
4.3.6 the Driver’s ABN.
4.3.7 any additional and/or more precise list of specific requested documents in the state that the Driver intends to register and/or provide Chauffeur Service
4.4. By submitting the Driver’s application through the Website, the Driver warrants and represents that:
4.4.1 all the documents provided in clause 4.3 are and continue to be accurate, true and correct;
4.4.2 its profile information is and shall continue to be accurate and correct;
4.4.3 it fully understands and agrees its obligations under this Terms and Conditions;
4.4.4 it has the capacity to enter into this agreement;
4.4.5 it will not use the AUSZ Global App for any unauthorised or unlawful purposes, nor impair the proper operation of the AUSZ Global App.
4.4.6 it agrees and understands the Privacy Policy which is provided on the Website;
4.4.7 it will not and must not copy or duplicate the contents of the AUSZ Global App and distribute to any third party unless required or procured by law;
4.4.8 it will fully comply with all laws and regulations under the state in which the Driver provides the Chauffeur Service;
4.4.9 if the registration account holder is a company, all directors of the said company and the Driver are jointly and severally liable for any breach of this Terms and Conditions.
After receiving the application and the documents under clauses 4.1 and 4.3, AUSZ Global may in its sole and absolute discretion determine whether the application is approved or refused. If the application is refused, the Driver must not make any claims against AUSZ Global.
Approval of the account
4.5. If AUSZ Global has approved the application in accordance with clause 4.5, AUSZ Global will issue a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-assignable and non-transferrable account (Account) with a unique username and password to the Driver to access the AUSZ Global App.
4.6. Unless AUSZ Global provides a written consent to the Driver, the Driver must not authorise, transfer or assign the Account to any third-party. The Driver will indemnify and keep indemnified AUSZ Global against any claims, loss or damages that AUSZ Global may suffer or will be suffered (whether directly or indirectly) as a result of the Driver’s breach of this clause.
4.7. If the Driver is aware of or ought to be aware of any third-party having access or has accessed to its account without the permission under clause 4.6, the Driver must notify AUSZ Global immediately.
5. Use of the AUSZ Global App and Website
5.1. By submitting the application under clause 4 of this Terms and Conditions, AUSZ Global agrees to grant a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-assignable, non-transferrable licence to the Driver to access the AUSZ Global App and Website to provide the Chauffeur Service.
5.2. By using the AUSZ Global App and Website, the Driver warrants and represents that:
5.2.1 it will not use the AUSZ Global App and/or the Website to conduct any illegal activity or any conducts which are not permitted by laws and regulations.
5.2.2 it does not acquire any Intellectual Property rights, content, or any related documentation generated by the AUSZ Global App and/or Website except as expressly set out in this Terms and Conditions.
5.2.3 all Intellectual Property rights of the AUSZ Global App and/or Website, including any software code and database are not sold to the Driver and will at all times remain the property of AUSZ Global; and
5.2.4 it must not copy, distribute, upload, download, republish, transmit, decompile in any way or format the AUSZ Global App unless a written consent is provided by AUSZ Global.
5.2.5 it will not or cause any person to: attempt to obtain the source code of the AUSZ Global App and/or the Website; modify, copy or amend the AUSZ Global App or Website in any manner or form; attempt to gain any unauthorised access to the AUSZ Global App and Website; transmit, share or spread any documents or programs which contains viruses or any other similar type application that would adversely affect the AUSZ Global App or Website or any other devices (but not limited to telecommunication devices or equipment). publish or post any unauthorised documents which contain or may contain any defamatory, misleading, infringing, indecent or any unlawful contents or materials.
5.3. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that all documents or reports provided by any third party, which includes the vehicle reports obtained by AUSZ Global will at all times remain the property of AUSZ Global. The Driver is not entitled to the reports obtained for AUSZ Global compliance purposes.
6. Fare and Payments
6.1. By providing each Chauffeur Service, the Driver will charge a fare calculated on a Default Base Fare in accordance with the AUSZ Global App system (Fare).
6.2. The Fare is charged based on the distance travelled as determined by a GPS device and the duration of the travel and other fixed costs in connection with the journey. The Fare includes any other additional fees such as but not limited to toll fee, airport charge and additional car-seat surcharge.
6.3. All Fare is inclusive of GST.
6.4. AUSZ Global may at its sole and absolute discretions adjust the Fare which is payable to the Driver under the following reasons (but not limited to):
6.4.1 if AUSZ Global reasonably believes that the Fare charged by the AUSZ Global App is incorrect or technical error occurred in the AUSZ Global App or its system;
6.4.2 if the Client requests the Driver to make an alteration to the route as otherwise provided by the AUSZ Global App and the Driver reasonably believes that it has made a loss due to the alteration;
6.4.3 if AUSZ Global at its sole and absolute discretion reasonably believes that the Driver has conducted any wrongful activity; or
6.4.4 a complaint was lodged to AUSZ Global by a Client alleging any wrongful activity of the Driver.
6.5. AUSZ Global will not consider the Driver’s request under clause 6.4.2 unless the Driver provides written notice to AUSZ Global under clause 6.17.
6.6. The Driver is prohibited from charging any fare or fees other than the Fare in accordance with this Terms and Conditions, except a tip paid by the Client voluntarily.
6.7. If a tip is paid to the Driver by the Client in accordance with clause 6.6, the Driver acknowledges and agrees that it will comply with all tax obligations under clause 10.12.
Cancellation Policy
6.8. In this clause, Pick-up Time means the time that the Driver picks up the Client from a place from which the Driver will commence providing the Chauffeur Service to the Client.
6.9. The Driver or the Client has the right to cancel their bookings subject to the following AUSZ Global Cancellation Policy and/or cancellation fees which are calculated as follows:
AUSZ Global Cancellation Policy
Cancellation made by the Client
At least 3 hours prior to the Pick-up Time, Driver is not entitled to any Fare. Client is not liable to pay any Fare (Full Refund of any paid Fare).
Within 3 hours but no later than 90 mins prior to the Pick-up Time, The Driver is entitled to half of the Fare less any AUSZ Global Fees, up to $50 AU.
Within 90mins prior to the Pick-up Time, The Driver is entitled to the Fare less any AUSZ Global Fees, up to $100 AU.
Cancellation made by the Driver
At least 24 hours prior to the Pick-up Time, Driver is not entitled to any Fare.
Within 24 hours to the Pick-up Time, The Driver is liable to pay $50 to AUSZ Global
as the administrative fee.
6.10. If the Client does not appear within 15 minutes from the Pick-up Time or 45 minutes from the preferred pick up time, AUSZ Global will on behalf of the Driver collect a Waiting Fee from the Client, which is equivalent to $1 per minute that the Driver spends waiting for the Client. The Driver must wait for the Client for at least 30 minutes (after the first free waiting period) before requesting the Client No Show.
6.11. AUSZ Global may at its sole and absolute discretion collect the Cancellation Fee on behalf of the Driver. If AUSZ Global collects the Cancellation Fee on behalf of the Driver, the Cancellation Fee less AUSZ Global Fees will be provided to the Driver within 14 days from receipt by AUSZ Global.
6.12. If the Driver does not provide the Chauffeur Service to the Client in a timely manner or the Driver incorrectly identified or verified a third party as the Client and as a result the Client is charged by AUSZ Global through the AUSZ Global App for receiving the Chauffeur Service, AUSZ Global shall reimburse the paid Client an amount equal to the actual amount paid by the Client.
6.13. In addition to clause 6.11, AUSZ Global is entitled to charge the Driver an extra administration fee of up to $50.00.
Damage to Vehicle
6.14. If the Driver’s vehicle or its furnishing is damaged in any way as a result of the Client’s act, omission or negligence (such as staining the vehicle or causing the vehicle to smell), the Driver is entitled to request the Client to pay an amount proportionally to the degree of damage caused to the Driver’s vehicle (reasonably determined by the Driver) and compensation for any loss or damages. If the Client does not pay any compensation, the Driver may notify AUSZ Global in writing within 24 hours under clause 6.17.
6.15. AUSZ Global is not liable for any damages that the Driver caused or contributed to by the Client’s act, omission or wilful negligent act.
6.16. If a written notice is provided by the Driver under clause 6.13, AUSZ Global will use its reasonable endeavours to collect the monies representing compensation for loss or damage on behalf of the Driver from the Client.
6.17. The Driver hereby authorise AUSZ Global to act as its collecting agent solely for the purpose of collecting, on behalf of the Driver, the Fare, applicable taxes or other amounts paid by the Client.
Notice to adjust Fare
6.18. If the Driver requests AUSZ Global to adjust the Fare due to any calculation errors, system errors or any reasons under this clause 6, the Driver must give written notice to AUSZ Global within 24 hours of the date of the incident setting out the following details:
6.18.1 the reason why the Fare requires adjustments; and
6.18.2 if the Driver’s vehicle is damaged by the client, circumstances of the damages; and
6.18.3 any supporting documents (if any) (such as photographs to show proof of the damage); and
6.18.4 any other documents that may be relevant or necessary to support the Driver’s request in this clause 6.17.
6.19. The Driver hereby authorises AUSZ Global to prepare and issue tax invoices and adjustments of the Fare or any other relevant tax invoices (Invoice) on behalf of the Driver.
6.20. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that AUSZ Global will issue an Invoice consisting of the route, Fare, time and other relevant information associated with the provision of Chauffeur Service.
6.21. If the Driver is not satisfied with the Invoice issued by AUSZ Global to the Client, the Driver must issue a written notice under clause 6.17.
6.22. Upon receipt of the Invoice, the Driver warrants and represents that it is registered for GST and it will remit such amount to the Australian Taxation Office in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
6.23. The Invoice will provide the Driver’s full name and ABN which were provided by the Driver during the registration process as may be updated by the Driver from time to time.
6.24. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that AUSZ Global is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on the Invoice issued to the Client and the Driver is responsible for the validity of the Invoice issued by AUSZ Global on behalf of the Driver.
7. AUSZ Fees
7.1. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that by using the AUSZ Global App to provide Chauffeur Service, the Driver must pay a referral and commission to AUSZ Global (AUSZ Global Fees). The AUSZ Fees is stated in the Default Base Fare and it may be varied from time to time without notice.
7.2. AUSZ Global Fees are payable at the completion of the provision Chauffeur Service to the Client. The AUSZ Global Fees may vary and change from time to time. The Driver will receive a written confirmation prior to any changes to the AUSZ Global Fees.
7.3. The AUSZ Global Fees include but not limited to the following fees (Additional Fees):
7.3.1 any levy or charge payable by AUSZ Global to any government agency;
7.3.2 any airport operator fee;
7.3.3 any State Government levies;
7.3.4 any child restraints or child booster seat fees (if applicable)
7.3.5 credit card surcharges; and
7.3.6 other fees which AUSZ Global thinks reasonable.
7.4. The Client remits the Additional Fees to the Driver at the complete of the Chauffeur Service as directed by the AUSZ Global App. For clarity the Fare does not include the Additional Fees. The Additional Fee is subsequently remitted by the Driver to AUSZ Global through the AUSZ Global App.
7.5. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that any payment made by the Client through the AUSZ Global App shall be considered the same as payment made by the Client.
7.6. The AUSZ Global Fees and any other amounts paid, or consideration provided to AUSZ Global under this Terms and Conditions are exclusive of GST. The Driver agrees and acknowledges that AUSZ Global makes a taxable supply to the Driver and GST is payable. As a result, the Driver must pay an additional amount equal to the GST payable on the supply.
7.7. The Invoice provided by AUSZ Global will be prepared in accordance with the GST Act.
8. Payments
8.1. As part of the registration process under clause 4, the Driver must provide a nominated bank account details for the payment of the Fare less any AUSZ Global Fees. AUSZ Global is not liable for any incorrect money transactions if it was caused by the provision of an incorrect bank account details by the Driver.
8.2. The Driver may update or vary the nominated bank account details from time to time through the AUSZ Global App or Website. To ensure the Fare (less any AUSZ Global Fees) is paid correctly, it is the Driver’s responsibility to ensure that the nominated bank account details are always correct.
8.3. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that it authorizes AUSZ Global to be its sole agency to collect the Fare on its behalf. The Fare and any Additional Fees paid by the Client are considered to be the same as payments made directly from the Client to the Driver.
8.4. AUSZ Global will transfer the Fare less any AUSZ Global Fees and administration fees, which would have been credited to the AUSZ Global’s account in the preceding week, to the Driver in the following week. If this Terms and Conditions are terminated, AUSZ Global will pay the Driver whatever amount is owing.
8.5. The Driver is entitled to access the AUSZ Global App to review the payment reports, which sets out the details of the Fare, AUSZ Global Fees, and any Additional Fees in the preceding week as well as the AUSZ Global Fees.
8.6. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that AUSZ Global is not obliged to pay the Driver the Fare if the Client’s credit card or mobile payment is reversed, cancelled, declined or unsuccessful for any reason not attributable to AUSZ Global. AUSZ Global will use its reasonable endeavours to request the unpaid Fare from the Client. If AUSZ Global is not able to collect the unpaid Fare from the Client, AUSZ Global may at its sole and absolute discretion pay the Driver the full Fare or part of the Fare less any AUSZ Global Fees. AUSZ Global’s payment to the Driver under this clause 8.6 is capped at $150.00 (inclusive of GST).
8.7. The Driver warrants that it understands that payment does not supersede the requirements established by the relevant laws and regulations, for example, an obligation to provide the Client with an invoice printed out on the printer.
8.8. The Driver must immediately notify AUSZ Global of any circumstances which may affect AUSZ Global’s obligations to collect and distribute the Fare under the AUSZ Global App.
8.9. The Driver understands that AUSZ Global may set off any Fare paid against the AUSZ Global Fees (including any levies) that the Driver is obliged to pay to AUSZ Global.
9. Rating System
9.1. AUSZ Global App provides a rating system for the Client to rate the Driver after the provision of the Chauffeur Service to the Client (Rating System). The Driver acknowledges and agrees that the Client may provide ratings and feedback through the AUSZ Global App and a low rating score may affect the Driver’s requests rates from the Client for Chauffeur Service.
9.2. The rating score will be determined in four different aspects and each aspect will allow the Client to rate from 0 to 5 stars, with 0 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
9.3. The Driver hereby acknowledge that in order to provide reliable Service to the Client, AUSZ Global may determine a minimum average rating score that the Driver must establish and maintain.
9.4. If the Driver’s average rating score is below the minimum rating score, AUSZ Global may issue a notice and request the Driver to improve its average rating score within a specific period of time. If the Driver fails to improve its average rating score within the time period, AUSZ Global may at its sole and absolute discretion temporarily or permanently suspend the Driver’s Account.
Special Circumstances
9.5. The Driver may give a notice to AUSZ Global within 24 hours of receiving feedback to advise AUSZ Global to adjust the rating, if the following circumstances occur:
9.5.1 the Driver reasonably believes that the rating score and feedback is not provided in good faith by the Client;
9.5.2 the rating score is incorrect based on a system error; and
9.5.3 the Driver reasonably believes that the rating does not reflect its provision of the Chauffeur Service.
9.6. After receiving the notice under clause 9.5, AUSZ Global may at its sole and absolute discretion remove or delete the rating and feedback, which may or may not affect the Driver’s Rating System.
9.7. Subject to clause 9.4, AUSZ Global may at its sole and absolute discretion reverse or reinstate the suspended Account, if AUSZ Global believes that the suspension is unjust or was caused by a system error or any other reasons determined by AUSZ Global.
10. Liabilities
10.1. The contents and Service provided by AUSZ Global are provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. AUSZ Global or its subsidiaries or representatives do not represent, warrant, or guarantee that the access to the AUSZ Global App or its Website will be uninterrupted or error free. To the fullest extent permitted by law, whether expressed or implied or imposed by any applicable law, AUSZ Global App and its Website and Service provided by AUSZ Global are provided without warranty of any kind.
10.2. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that the Driver use the AUSZ Global App and Website at its sole risk.
10.3. Nothing in this Terms and Conditions excludes, restricts or modifies any guarantee, warranty, terms and conditions, right or remedy, whether implied or expressed or imposed by any applicable law which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified.
10.4. The Driver represents and warrants that it is:
10.4.1 responsible for making all arrangements necessary for it to have access to the AUSZ Global App;
10.4.2 responsible for all activities that take place on the AUSZ Global App under its name or through the Driver’s account, even if the Driver complies with this Terms and Conditions and do not participate or condone the activity;
10.4.3 liable for any costs charged by a third party (such as but not limited to, toll fees, internet costs, petrol fees and fines issued by any regulatory authority);
10.4.4 responsible and liable for any breach of any applicable laws or regulations and must remedy such breach immediately after receipt of a demand or notice by any relevant regulatory authority.
10.5. AUSZ Global and/or its affiliates, subsidiaries, representatives, directors and or employees are not liable for any expenses, loss or damage or liabilities of whatever nature which the Driver may incur under or in connection with the AUSZ Global App or Website or as a result of using the AUSZ Global App and Website or in relation to the provision of the Chauffeur Service to Client, including but not limited to:
10.5.1 any direct or indirect property damage or monetary loss;
10.5.2 any loss of business, contracts, contacts, goodwill, reputation, profit, anticipated saving, loss or inaccuracy of data; and
10.5.3 any other types of loss or damage.
10.6. Despite clause 10.5, subject to the Driver’s rights at law, the Driver will indemnify and keep indemnified AUSZ Global against all loss or damage suffered or incurred by the Driver arising from and in connection with its use of the AUSZ Global App and Website or in relation to the provision of the Chauffeur Service to the Client.
10.7. The Driver represents and warrants that, unless it is prevented by law, the Driver agrees not to attempt to impose liability on or seek any legal remedy or make any claims against or using any methods to claim compensation from AUSZ Global with respect to such actions or omissions. This clause shall survive at the termination of this Terms and Conditions.
10.8. If any guarantee, condition, warranty or term is implied or expressed or imposed by any applicable law which are not to be excluded then AUSZ Global’s liability for breach of such clause is limited exclusively (unless the applicable laws do prohibit), to the following options:
10.8.1 In the case of goods, the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods, or the payment of the cost of replacing the goods; or
10.8.2 In the case of Service, the suppling of the Service again or the payment of the costs of supplying the Service again.
10.9. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that any legal remedy or liability that the Driver seek to obtain for actions or omissions of other users or other third parties (such as but not limited to co-passenger) will be limited to a claim against the particular users or other third parties who caused the harm to the Driver. This includes any loss or damage to the Driver, its vehicle, its property, or to anyone else that occurs in connection with the provision of Chauffeur Service to the Client. Unless prevented by law, the Driver agrees not to attempt to impose liability on or seek any legal remedy or make any claims against or using any methods to claim compensation from AUSZ Global with respect to such actions or omissions.
10.10. At all material times, the Driver shall indemnify AUSZ Global and/or its affiliates, subsidiaries, representatives, directors and or employees against all losses, liabilities, fines, penalties, damages, claims and interested and all related costs and expenses (on a full indemnity basis) as stated below but not limited to:
10.10.1 all legal costs;
10.10.2 costs of investigation, litigation, settlement, judgment, appeal interest; penalties;
arising out of or in connection with any demand, claim, action, proceeding or other enforcement measures brought by any regulatory authority or a third party (including the Client) following any failure by the Driver to comply with any law, regulation or this agreement.
10.11. Unless stated otherwise or prohibited by the law, AUSZ Global’s maximum aggregate liability for any loss or damages or claims suffered or incurred by the Driver (whether directly or indirectly) in connection with the use of the AUSZ Global App or Website or the provision of Chauffeur Service to the Client will be limited to $500 Australian Dollars.
10.12. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that it is obliged to comply with all tax obligation it may incur in connection with providing the Chauffeur Service under this Terms and Conditions. The Driver will indemnify and keep indemnified AUSZ Global from all tax liabilities, duties, levies, claims, interest charges, penalty or any other fees whether directly or indirectly, as a result of the Driver’s failure to comply with its tax obligation under the laws and regulations.
Suspension and Restriction of AUSZ Global App
10.13. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that it understands:
10.13.1 the AUSZ Global App is solely for the purpose of connecting the Chauffeur Service between the Driver and the Client. AUSZ Global does not guarantee that the usage of the AUSZ Global App will result in any requests for the Chauffeur Service; and
10.13.2 the AUSZ Global App may provide a “Preferred Driver” function which the Driver may be selected into the “Preferred Driver” list. If a Driver is selected under the “Preferred Driver” list (Selected Driver), the Selected Driver may have a priority over other Drivers to receive a request for the Chauffeur Service under the AUSZ Global App. AUSZ Global does not guarantee that the “Preferred Driver” function in the AUSZ Global App will result in any requests for the Chauffeur Service.
10.14. AUSZ Global may at its sole and absolute discretion suspend or cancel or terminate or restrict, whether temporary or permanently a Driver or Client’s user account for any reason which AUSZ Global considers appropriate.
11. Relationship
11.1. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that:
11.1.1 AUSZ Global does not provide Chauffeur Service to the Client and AUSZ Global is not a Chauffeur Service provider;
11.1.2 AUSZ Global has no control over the number of potential Client and/or requests for Chauffeur Service that will be provided to the Driver. AUSZ Global makes no guarantee or representation or warrants in relation to the number of requests for Chauffeur Service that will be provided to the Driver;
11.1.3 the Driver is not providing or will not provide any Service to AUSZ Global;
11.1.4 AUSZ Global is a company which provides, maintains and creates the AUSZ Global App to enable independent contractors to receive and fulfil requests for Chauffeur Service from the Client;
11.1.5 by accepting a request for providing Chauffeur Service: the Driver enters into a Service Agreement as an independent contractor of point to point transportation for the provision of Chauffeur Service directly with the Client. Each request that the Driver accepts gives effect to a separate agreement between the Driver and the relevant Client; the Driver has sole responsibility for the provision of the Chauffeur Service under the Client’s request.
11.1.6 the Driver has complete discretion to provide the Chauffeur Service or otherwise engage in other business or employment activities.
11.1.7 the Driver agrees to pay AUSZ Global the AUSZ Global Fees for each request for Chauffeur Service that the Driver accepts in accordance with clause 7 of this Terms and Conditions, in exchange for being provided with the Service stated in clause 11.1.4.
11.2. AUSZ Global does not have the capacity to direct or control the Driver to perform any Chauffeur Service, including the manner in which the Driver provides the Chauffeur Service.
11.3. This Terms and Conditions does not impose any obligations on the Driver in relation to when and how to use the AUSZ Global App. The Driver has the sole right to decide when and for how long to use the AUSZ Global App and whether to accept or reject the Client’s request that the Driver receives through the AUSZ Global App.
11.4. The Driver and AUSZ Global acknowledge and agree, whether expressly or imply, that the relationship between the parties in the provision of the Chauffeur Service does not constitute a relation of principal and agent, employer and employee, partnership, trust, or joint venture. The Driver must not act as an employee, agent, or representative of AUSZ Global or its subsidiaries or affiliates nor bind them to any contract.
12. Personal Data and GPS
12.1. The Driver hereby consents and authorises AUSZ Global to collect the following personal data and information (such as but not limited to) to enable the function and communication of the AUSZ Global App:
12.1.1 Full name;
12.1.2 Address;
12.1.3 Driver’s vehicle details (such as insurance, registration number etc)
12.1.4 Contact phone number;
12.1.5 E-mail address; and
12.1.6 Location based information.
12.2. The Driver must process the personal data only in accordance with the Privacy Policy of AUSZ Global, which is available on the Website.
12.3. AUSZ Global will collect the Driver’s location-based information (also known as geo-location information) to monitor and track the Driver’s geo-location and share its location through the AUSZ Global App to the Client, while the Driver is using the AUSZ Global App.
12.4. Subject to clause 12.3, AUSZ Global will also provide the Driver’s vehicle information, the registration number and/or other information for the Client to identify the correct Driver and for safety purpose.
12.5. If the Driver switches off the AUSZ Global App or indicates in the AUSZ Global App that the Driver is not available to provide the Chauffeur Service to the Client, then the geo-location information and the Driver’s personal data and information will not be available to the Client.
12.6. The Driver hereby warrants and represents that it will not process the personal data of the Client without a written consent from AUSZ Global. The Driver must not contact, collect, record, store, grant access or use any other method to store the Client’s personal data provided through the AUSZ Global App other than for the sole purpose of fulfilling the request of the Chauffeur Service.
12.7. AUSZ Global is the chief processor which processes the personal data and information of the Drivers and the Client. The Driver acts as an authorised processor which processes the personal data and information at the request of AUSZ Global. In processing the Client’s personal data and information, the Driver must comply with the Privacy Policy on the Website.
13. Termination
13.1. This Terms and Conditions is effective on the creation of the Driver’s Account. The Driver may terminate this Terms and Conditions at any time by notifying AUSZ Global at least 10 business days in advance or the Driver ceases to provide any Chauffeur Service to the Client or the Driver uninstall the AUSZ Global App on its devices.
13.2. AUSZ Global may at any time and at its sole and absolute discretion, terminate this Terms and Conditions without giving any advanced notice to the Driver.
13.3. If the Driver has breached any terms under this Terms and Conditions or any applicable laws or regulation or cause any harm to AUSZ Global or its brand, reputation or business as determined by AUSZ Global in its sole and absolute discretion, AUSZ Global may at any time at its sole and absolute discretion:
13.3.1 terminate this Terms and Conditions;
13.3.2 block the Driver’s access to the AUSZ Global App or other related Service during the period of investigation;
13.3.3 prohibit the Driver from registering a new account or take any necessary steps or legal procedures to prohibit the Driver from providing the Chauffeur Service;
13.4. Upon termination of this Terms and Conditions, the Driver must cease all activities authorised by this Terms and Conditions and the Driver must delete or remove the AUSZ Global App from its devices.
13.5. Clauses 3.4, 6.21 and 10 of this Terms and Conditions shall survive the termination of this Terms and Conditions.
14. Amendments
14.1. AUSZ Global may at any time make changes to this Terms and Conditions without any notices. The updated / amended version of the Terms and Conditions will be made available on the Website and AUSZ Global App from time to time.
14.2. If the Driver does not agree to the amended terms, the Driver should cease to provide any Chauffeur Service to the Client. If the Driver continues to provide the Chauffeur Service or log in into the AUSZ Global App system or continues to use AUSZ Global App, the Driver is deemed to have accepted the amended terms and it must not make any objection or claims against the amended terms.
15. Insurance
15.1. The Driver warrants and represents that at all times, while using the AUSZ Global App or providing Chauffeur Service to the Client, the Driver, at its own cost, must hold a valid insurance (including but not limited to third party motor vehicle insurance and commercial vehicle insurance), such insurance must include a rideshare extension (but not limited to) and it must satisfy:
15.1.1 the minimum requirements that apply to the operation of private passenger vehicles on public roads in the jurisdiction which the Driver is providing the Chauffeur Service;
15.1.2 the provision of the Chauffeur Service and any other Service contemplated by this Terms and Conditions;
15.1.3 the insurance policy must be issued by a corporation authorised under the Insurance Act 1973 (Cth) to carry on insurance business; and
15.1.4 any other minimum standard imposed by AUSZ Global (as varied from time to time).
15.2. AUSZ Global may at any time requires the Driver to provide copies of any relevant insurance policies and/or other proof of insurance. If the Driver receives a request from AUSZ Global o provide such insurance, it must provide copies of such insurance to AUSZ Global within 2 business days, unless stated otherwise.
15.3. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that if the Driver ceases or will cease to hold the required insurance, the Driver must immediately notify AUSZ Global in writing.
16. Jurisdiction
16.1. This agreement is governed by the federal laws of Australia. Each party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Commonwealth Australia and the courts of appeal from them in respect of any disputes arising under or relating to this agreement.
16.2. No party may object to the jurisdiction of any of those courts on the ground that it is an inconvenient forum or that it does not have jurisdiction.
17. Miscellaneous
17.1. Headings
17.1.1 The headings in this Terms and Conditions are not part of it and do not affect its meaning.
17.2. Entire agreement
17.2.1 When agreed, this Terms and Conditions constitutes the entire agreement between the parties in relation to their subject matter.
17.3. No Waiver
17.3.1 A party only waives a breach of this Terms and Conditions if the waiver is given in writing signed by the other party or its authorised representative. A waiver is limited to the instance referred to in writing (or if no instance is referred to in the writing, to past breaches).
17.4. Illegality
17.4.1 If any provision of this Terms and Conditions is held invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, the Terms and Conditions will remain otherwise in full force apart from such provisions which will be deemed deleted.
18. Label of AUSZ Global
18.1. AUSZ Global may at any time, subject to the laws and regulations, provide the Driver with tags, labels, stickers or other signs (Labels) that refer to AUSZ Global or otherwise indicate that the Driver is using the AUSZ Global App.
18.2. The Driver acknowledges and agrees that AUSZ Global grants the Driver a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable licence to use such Labels while the Driver is providing the Chauffeur Service to the Client.
18.3. If this Terms and Conditions is terminated by either party or the Driver discontinues to provide the Chauffeur Service, it must immediately remove the Labels and return it to AUSZ Global within 3 business days of the date of termination.
19. Specific Requirements in Victoria (Not applicable in other states)
19.1. According to the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 (Vic), the Driver must hold all accreditations and licences for vehicles and comply with other legislative requirements to operate a Chauffeur Service in the state of Victoria.
19.2. The Driver warrants and represents that it has complied with all conditions of any licence held by the Driver including the following conditions that apply in respect of the Driver’s vehicle pursuant to section 144(1) of the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 (Vic):
19.2.1 the Driver’s vehicle is maintained in a fit and serviceable condition; and
19.2.2 the Driver will comply and has complied with all other statutory requirements with respect to the following (but not limited to): the manner in which and the persons by whom the vehicle may be driven; the number of passengers that may be carried in the vehicle; the construction, equipment and condition of the vehicle; and all limitations on hours of driving.
19.3. The Driver must immediately notify AUSZ Global if the Driver no longer holds the required authorisation or licence as required under the laws and regulations.
Default Base Fare Schedule
Fare types Rates
AUSZ Global Fee 15% to 20% of the total Fare
After hour surcharge
If the pickup time or drop offs time is between 10pm and 4:30am $15 on top of the Fare
Additional Surcharge
Any additional fees incurred by the Client, includes but not limited to:
● Toll fees.
● child restraints or child booster seat.
● Additional waiting fees.
● Airport Parking fees. Please insert the details of the additional charges.
Special Event Booking surcharge
On a specific date, the Driver may charge a Special Event Booking Surcharge. The specific date includes but not limited to (as varied from time to time):
● Grand Prix Day
● AFL Grand Final
● Spring Carnival
● Melbourne Cup Week
● Christmas Day
● New Year’s Eve
● New Year Day
● Australian Open
● Avalon Air Show Additional 20% to 100% of the total Fare (varies depending on the specific event and/or date and time)
This Code & Ethics is a guideline for the Driver to achieve a high average rating score under the Rating System of the AUSZ Global App. AUSZ Global suggests the Driver follow the below guidelines to maintain a high-standard and professional manner as reasonable driver would in the circumstances similar to the Driver.
The Parties agree that if there are any inconsistency between the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and this Code & Ethics then, except in the case of manifest error, to the extent of any inconsistency the provisions of the Terms and Conditions will prevail and have priority.
Dress Code - Drivers’ Attire:
Male Chauffeur: Female Chauffeurs:
Well-pressed and well-cut black (preferably) / dark coloured suits and trousers. Well-pressed and well-cut black (preferably) / dark coloured feminine-tailored suits; or
Decent looking short or long sleeves collared shirts and ties. Outfits with dresses / skirts, scarves and
Black (preferably) / dark coloured shoes and socks;
Black (preferably) shoes – heel size is left to the female chauffeurs’ discretion within the limit of reason for safe driving.
Conservative style belts and cufflinks when being worn.
No open-toe shoes or sandals.
Neatly combed hair, clean shaven or well-trimmed beard/moustache.
Bare minimum of jewellery.
Well-pressed and well-cut black (preferably) / dark coloured coats or jackets, hats and gloves during (if necessary).
Well-groomed appearance.
Personal hygiene (such as but not limited to: light perfume / cologne / deodorants, clean and well-maintained fingernails).
Conduct Code:
1. The Driver shall respect the privacy of the Client.
2. The Driver may refuse to provide the Chauffeur Services without refunding the Fare to the Client in the event that the Client acts unreasonably and unacceptable.
3. No one shall stand through the sunroof in any vehicles while the Driver is providing the Chauffeur Service.
4. Smoking is not permitted in any of the vehicles.
5. It is a good practice that the Driver shall hold name sign with Client’s name when the Driver picks up the Client at the airport.
6. Always be courteous to the Client and follow the “SERVICE” guidelines, which indicates:
S Smiles for everyone
E Excellence in everything the Driver do
R Reaching out to every passenger
V Viewing every passenger as special
I Inviting the Client for return bookings
C Creating a warm atmosphere
E Eye contact shows that the Driver’s care
7. Be patient, listen attentively and do not argue with the Client.
8. Be tactful when there is a problem. Do not try to shift the blame, always check back with AUSZ Global for all details and thereafter try to help the Client in any way it can.
9. Always being cheerful, enthusiastic.
10. Be punctual, at all times the Driver shall arrive on time to pick up the Client.
11. Under no circumstances should the Driver recommend an amount that the Client should give it any tips or any fees. The Driver may advise the Client that paying a tip, or any additional fee is purely voluntary.
12. If the Driver reasonably believes that it is not able to perform the Chauffeur Service for the Client (such as but not limited to, The Driver’s vehicle breakdowns or the Driver reasonably believes that it is unwell etc.), the Driver shall contact AUSZ Global immediately through the AUSZ Global App and arrange a replace Chauffer Service for the Client.
Road Safety & Licence Requirement:
1. The Driver should comply with any relevant road safety laws, regulations and rules in the provision of the Chauffeur Service to the Client;
2. Hold a current and valid driver licence for the class of vehicle that they operate;
3. Carry its current and valid driver licence at all times;
4. If the driver licence is expired, suspended or cancelled or invalid, the Driver must immediately notify AUSZ Global.
Vehicle Maintenance & Operation:
1. The Driver’s vehicle must be maintained and operated in accordance with the vehicle manufacturers recommended standards unless a written notice is provided by AUSZ Global;
2. The Driver shall regularly inspect its vehicle to ensure that the vehicle is able to be operated in a good and proper manner, such as (but not limited to):
i. The lights (head, side, brake, indicators, and hazard, reversing) are fully operational, and are not broken;
ii. The brakes are fully functioning and the fluid level is correct;
iii. The tyres are always maintained in good condition (such as (but not limited to) the pressure of the tyres, having sufficient tread depth, a spare tyre is available);
iv. The vehicle’s horn is in a good and proper condition;
v. The vehicle’s oil, coolant and screen wash are up to the correct level;
vi. The windscreen wipers and blades are in a workable condition; and
vii. The seat belts are operated correctly and in a good condition.
By providing the Chauffeur Service to the Client, the Driver shall not:
🞪 Drive at excessive speed;
🞪 Use of mobile phones or any mobile or telecommunication devices while driving;
🞪 Provide its personal contact details to the passengers;
🞪 Consume or are under the influence of alcohol or drugs during the provision of Chauffeur Services;
🞪 Smoke in the vehicle;
🞪 Abuse (verbally or physically) the Client, passengers and/or other road users;
🞪 Discuss personal grievances with the Client; and
🞪 Commit any criminal activities or act of violence towards any person.
AUSZ Global – Safety Management Policy
In order for Ausz Global to protect the health and safety of the Driver, the Client, other passenger(s) and other road users, Ausz Global is committed to maintain a high standard of requirements for both the Driver and the Vehicle for the provision of Chauffeur Service to Ausz Global Client(s).
Driver Standards
Ausz Global aim to ensure that a Driver does not provide Chauffeur Service to its client(s) if:
● the Driver has been found guilty of a disqualifying offence for a driver (A disqualifying offence for drivers includes criminal offences, serious driving offences and safety offences. If a driver has been found guilty of a disqualifying offence, they are not permitted to drive a taxi or hire vehicle); or
● the Driver has not held an unrestricted Australian driver licence for a total of at least 12 months in the preceding two years (and continues to hold such a licence); or
● the Driver does not meet the requisite medical standards for commercial vehicle drivers as requested by the state’s transport department.
A Driver must also not provide Chauffeur Service to Ausz Global client(s) if the Driver last held a driver authority that was cancelled (other than on medical grounds) or if the Driver’s most recent application for a driver authority under law was rejected (within the preceding 10 years) on the grounds that the person was not considered to be of good repute and in all other respects a fit and proper person.
Vehicle Standards
The Driver has a specific obligation to ensure the Vehicle is appropriately registered and safe to be driven on the road (i.e. roadworthy).
All vehicles must undergo annual safety checks (previously called a pink slip), even if they are less than five years old.
The Driver has specific obligation to ensure:
● the Vehicle is regularly and properly maintained (consistent with the manufacturer’s recommendations)
● maintenance or repairs are carried out by a licensed mechanic; and
● records of maintenance and repairs are kept.
In the event that the Vehicle becomes unroadworthy, the Driver must notify the Ausz Global administration within 48 hours.
Basic maintenance does not need to be carried out by a licensed mechanic.
Basic maintenance includes:
● adding approved oils or other fluids to engines, transmissions, differentials, power steering reservoirs, windscreen washer reservoirs, master cylinders, radiators or batteries;
● changing engine, transmission or differential oils;
● changing engine oil filters or fuel filters;
● carrying out general lubrication;
● changing spark plugs;
● changing wheels or tyres;
● changing light bulbs;
● replacing or repairing seats or floor coverings;
● repairs to the interior of the vehicle that do not affect the safe operation of the vehicle; and
● replacing external rear vision mirrors.
AUSZ Global – Notifiable Incident Policy
In order for Ausz Global to protect the health and safety of the Driver, the Client, other passenger(s) and other road users, Ausz Global requires the Driver to lodge an Incident Report to Ausz Global administration as soon as practicable, but no longer than 48 hours after the date and time of the incident(s) to be reported. Similarly, a report should also be lodged to CPVV (or the respective transport commissioner or department in the state where the Chauffeur Service is provided by the Driver) to avoid penalty. In the event that the Driver is incapacitated or at hospital which makes reporting difficult or impracticable, his/her representative family member or friend should lodge the report to Ausz Global and CPVV within the prescribed timeframe.
(i) A “Notifiable Incident” is defined as an incident in which fatalities, serious injuries or incidents which expose people to risks to their safety;
(ii) In the event that the attendance of the police, fire brigade and/or the ambulance (or other health professionals) have been called for after the incident happens, the incident should be reported to CPVV (or the respective transport commissioner or department in the state where the Chauffeur Service is provided by the Driver) within 14 days;
(iii) In the event that fatality is resulted from the incident, a report should be lodged to CPVV (or the respective transport commissioner or department in the state where the Chauffeur Service is provided by the Driver) within 48 days thereafter;
(iv) It is an offence not to report a notifiable incident, the failure to do so may result in compliance action(s) by CPVV (or the respective transport commissioner or department in the state where the Chauffeur Service is provided by the Driver); and
(v) An Incident Report should be lodged to Ausz Global and/or CPVV (or the respective transport commissioner or department in the state where the Chauffeur Service is provided by the Driver) via the respective online forms and provided links.
AUSZ Global – Drug and Alcohol Policy
In order for Ausz Global to protect the health and safety of the Driver, the Client, other passenger(s) and other road users, Ausz Global adopt a zero-tolerance approach towards the Driver’s driving under the influence of drugs / strong medication / alcohol. As regards to prescribed medication, the Driver should seek the professional advice from their GP and/or other health professionals if the specific medication(s) he/she takes would impair his/her judgment or ability to drive safely. They should not drive even if there is the slightest chance of any negative influence from any of these substances. The Driver should also notify Ausz Global in writing in such cases, and all submitted information would be handled confidentially. The Driver is trained and reminded repeatedly that the Driver must be fit to drive before commencement of and during each trip.
(i) The Driver is trained and warned of the severe consequences of driving under the influence of drugs / strong medication / alcohol. The Driver must not drive nor provide Chauffeur Service to Ausz Global’s Client(s) if the Driver is under the influence of any of these;
(ii) The Driver is trained and reminded to ensure any new medication(s) are checked for side effects before driving. Drivers must not drive under the effect of any medication(s) which cause drowsiness;
(iii) The Driver is trained and reminded to ensure adequate time has passed after drinking alcohol or taking medication(s) which causes drowsiness;
(iv) Random drug and alcohol testings are to be conducted in line with Ausz Global’s Drug and Alcohol Policy; and
(v) Once found to be in breach of Ausz Global’s strict forbiddance of driving under the influence of drugs / strong medication / alcohol, the Driver would be permanently deregistered from Ausz Global’s booking platform and would no longer be able to provide any Chauffeur Service to its Client(s).
AUSZ Global – Fatigue Management Policy
In order for Ausz Global to protect the health and safety of the Driver, the Client, other passenger(s) and other road users, Drivers must be fit to drive before commencement of and during each trip.
(i) The Driver is trained and reminded to stop immediately and rest whenever the Driver needs to;
(ii) The Driver is reminded to plan the bookings within work and rest limits and are flexible so that the Driver would not be pressured to drive while fatigued;
(iii) The Driver is suggested and reminded to take a 15 minutes’ break after each 2 hours’ continuous driving;
(iv) Ausz Global requires all Drivers to offline for at least 8 consecutive hours if the Driver has been online for 12 hours consecutively;
(v) Ausz Global would check and review annually to ensure all Drivers’ inductions and training are up to date;
(vi) The Driver would be requested to confirm before the Driver commences any trip that the Driver is not fatigued and has taken sufficient rest or power nap prior to the trip; and
(vii) Ausz Global would conduct monthly review of the Driver’s trip records to check whether the Driver is compliant with work and rest hour limits.
AUSZ Global – COVID Safe Plan
In order for Ausz Global to protect the health and safety of the Driver, the Client, other passenger(s) and other road users during the period when COVID subsists,
(i) The Driver is trained with sufficient knowledge and information about Ausz Global’s COVID Safe Plan;
(ii) The Driver has been trained and reminded to display at least one obvious signage of QR Code for all passenger(s)’ COVID check-in inside the Driver’s Vehicle;
(iii) The Drivers has been trained and reminded to provide at least one bottle of qualified disinfecting / antibacterial hand sanitiser inside the Driver’s Vehicle for the passenger(s) to use prior to and during the trips;
(iv) The Driver has been trained and reminded to clean and disinfect the high touch surface of the driver seat as well as the passengers’ seats before and after each trip, and to keep a record of the date and time of each and every cleaning activity. Such cleaning records are to be kept by the Driver and uploaded to Ausz Global’s backend administration weekly; [for Drivers in Victoria, please click https://cpv.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/475373/CPV-industry-cleaning-guidelines.pdf for a more precise Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Cleaning Guidelines];
(v) The Driver has been trained and reminded to always wear a qualified face mask and keep a safe and reasonably practicable physical distancing between him/herself and the passenger(s) during the trips;
(vi) The Driver has been trained and reminded that if the Driver has been in touch or in close contact with a COVID positive patient, OR has been to one or more COVID hotspot(s) in recent days, OR has started developing or developed symptom(s) of COVID, OR has suspected to be or confirmed to COVID positive, the Driver must refrain from providing any Chauffeur Service to Ausz Global’s Client(s) immediately, and report to Ausz Global administration;
(vii) The Driver has been trained and instructed to follow the Government’s self-isolation and self-quarantine rules and laws in any of the above listed situations;
(viii) Ausz Global would review and update its COVID Safe Plan regularly according to the latest circumstances of COVID development;
(ix) Ausz Global would inform and keep the Driver updated of the most up to date COVID Safe Plan and requirements, as well as sufficient support and training;
(x) Ausz Global would take disciplinary action(s) for breaches against Ausz Global’s COVID Safe Plan. E.g., depending on the severity of each individual situation, The Driver who is found to be in breach of Ausz Global’s COVID Safe Plan would be suspended from the Ausz Global booking platform for a fixed period of time, so the Driver would be unable to provide Chauffeur Service to the platform’s Client(s) during the suspension period;
(xi) Ausz Global would conduct weekly request and review of the Driver’s uploaded cleaning records to check whether the Driver is compliant with Ausz Global’s COVID Safe Plan; and
(xii) Ausz Global would check quarterly to ensure the Driver’s inductions and training are up to date.
AUSZ Global – Updates and Report Policy
In order for Ausz Global to efficiently manage the operation of the chauffeur booking platform as well as to ensure the ongoing compliance of the Driver to Ausz Global Terms & Conditions and Policies and all applicable laws and regulations, Ausz Global would update its Terms & Conditions and Policies from time to time, and forward a copy of the updated, latest version thereof to the provided email address(es) of the Driver. The Driver would also be able to access a copy of the most updated and latest version of the Ausz Global Terms & Conditions and Policies by clicking the link attached to the confirmation pop-up message shown to the Driver prior to the Driver’s commencement of each trip.
Likewise, at the same pop-up message, the Driver would be asked to tick a checkbox reminding the Driver to notify Ausz Global administration in the event of a change of situation affecting the Driver’s driver licence, qualification and/or without disqualifying offence status within 7 days of such a change of situation. A disqualifying offence for drivers includes criminal offences, serious driving offences and safety offences. If a Driver has been found guilty of a disqualifying offence, the Driver would be suspended from Ausz Global platform immediately and no longer be permitted to provide Chauffeur Service to Ausz Global Client(s).